Krugman twitter

Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) / Twitter

Paul Krugman. @paulkrugman. Nobel laureate. Op-Ed columnist, … Tweets & replies · Media · Likes. Paul Krugman’s Tweets. Paul Krugman · @paulkrugman.

P. Krugman (@nytimeskrugman) / Twitter

P. Krugman. @nytimeskrugman. Now tweeting as. @PaulKrugman . Joined February 2016. 0 Following · 2,357 Followers · Tweets · Tweets & replies.

Much of Twitter is mad at NYT writer Paul Krugman’s bad 9/11 …

Paul Krugman Is Still Wrong About Money. Commentary When a writer starts a new column, his first battle is to justify why people should read .

Paul Krugman Isn’t on Twitter Because He Can’t Control His …

11. sep. 2020 — ‘New York Times’ writer Paul Krugman’s bad 9/11 tweets have united the country—against him. The economist and op-ed columnist shared his …

Paul Krugman – The New York Times

Paul Krugman Isn’t on Twitter Because He Can’t Control His Inner Demons

13. sep. 2013 — In a blog post this morning — Krugman is decently tech savvy! — he explains the manifold reasons he eschews Twitter, save for an account that …

He’s just the latest ‘Times’ writer to explain why he doesn’t like Twitter. 

Paul Krugman, too cool for Twitter – POLITICO

Paul Krugman – The New York Times

Paul Krugman, a New York Times opinion columnist, writes about macroeconomics, trade, health care, social policy and politics. In 2008, he received the …

Paul Krugman, a New York Times opinion columnist, writes about macroeconomics, trade, health care, social policy and politics. In 2008, he received the Nobel Prize in Economics.

Paul Krugman, too cool for Twitter – POLITICO

13. sep. 2013 — New York Times columnist Paul Krugman revealed on Friday morning why he doesn’t use Twitter. In a post titled “Death by Tweet” Krugman says …

Paul Krugman is not on Twitter and would like to explain why.

Keywords: krugman twitter